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The Ministry of Economy has issued guidelines regarding the public tender procedure for the Expansion of the Gas Pipeline “Perito Francisco Pascasio Moreno”.

Through Resolution 169/25, published on 02/26/25, the Ministry of Economy established guidelines to be complied with in the bidding procedure to increase the transportation capacity of Section I of the Perito Francisco Pascasio Moreno Gas Pipeline.

The provisions of this resolution are framed within the private initiative proposed by TRANSPORTADORA DE GAS DEL SUR S.A. (TGS) aimed at increasing the natural gas transportation capacity in the section between the towns of Tratayén (Neuquén) and Salliqueló (Buenos Aires), whose benefits include:

– Substitute imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquid fuels during the winter period.
– Improve the efficiency of the national energy system.
– Reduce costs for end users and generate significant tax savings, estimated at USD 500 million per year.

The scope of this initiative, declared of national public interest by Decree 1,060/24, includes 1) the expansion of the gas pipeline, 2) the operation and maintenance of the existing and future infrastructure, and 3) the contractual adaptation necessary to guarantee the viability of the project.

Access the complete text of the Resolution here.

This publication does not constitute a legal opinion on specific issues. If necessary, expert legal advice should be sought.

For more information, please contact:

Agustín Siboldi – SiboldiA@eof.com.ar

Jorge Muratorio – MuratorioJ@eof.com.ar

Ana Belen Micciarelli – MicciarelliA@eof.com.ar

Joaquín Trillo – TrilloJ@eof.com.ar