By means of CNV General Resolution No. 1043/2024, the National Securities Commission (“CNV”) introduced changes related to the activity of annotation of real estate purchase and sale deeds. It is worth remembering that the pre-horizontality regime, prior to the assignment of a property to the horizontal property regime, allows the registration of sale and purchase tickets in the Property Registry in order to obtain legal protection. Since not all registries contemplate this possibility, Dec. 1017/24 authorized private entities, with the approval of the CNV, to perform this task, and they must notify the corresponding Registry.
This publication was prepared on the basis of information dated 3/01/2025 and does not constitute a legal opinion on specific issues. If necessary, expert legal advice should be sought.
For further information, please contact:
Sebastián Luegmayer –
Nicolás Fernández Madero –
Ignacio Reynoso –