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The CNV enables the procedure for the participatory development of rules for the Automatic Authorization Procedure for Public Offering of Closed-end Credit Funds.

By means of General Resolution 1042/2024, the National Securities Commission (“CNV”) enabled the procedure for the participative elaboration of rules (Decree 1172/2003) to invite the public to express their opinions and/or proposals regarding the adoption of a regulation on the “Draft General Resolution s/Procedure for the Automatic Authorization of Public Offering of Closed-end Credit Funds”, setting a term of 25 business days to make the mentioned submission of opinions and/or proposals through the website: www.argentina.gob.ar/cnv.

This publication was prepared based on information dated 12/16/2024 and does not constitute a legal opinion on specific issues. If necessary, expert legal advice should be sought.

For further information, please contact:

Sebastián Luegmayer – LuegmayerS@eof.com.ar

Nicolás Fernández Maderofernandezmaderon@eof.com.ar

Lucas Rodriguez Castellirodriguezcastellil@eof.com.ar