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The Secretariat of Energy published the ratings of the bids submitted in the call for bids for Thermal Generation Supply Contracts with Reliability with CAMMESA.

By means of Resolution No. 851/2023 (B.O. 10/26/2023) the Secretariat of Energy has published the qualifications of the offers submitted...

The Secretary of Energy Approved the Protocol for the Presentation of Materials and Equipment within the Framework of the National Housing Labeling Program (PRONEV).

On October 27, Resolution No. 864/23 of the Secretariat of Energy was published in the Official Gazette, approving the Protocol...

The Energy Secretariat allows projects executed under the RenovAr Program to compensate penalties imposed by CAMMESA through investments for the incorporation of new renewable electric power capacity.

Through Resolution 883/23 of the Secretariat of Energy (hereinafter referred to as “Resolution SE 883/23”) (B.O. 01/11/23), it was established...

The Secretariat of Energy Sets New Sugarcane and Corn-based Bioethanol Sales Price

By means of Resolution No. 709/2023, the Secretariat of Energy under the Ministry of Economy, the new sales values for...

Special Loans Regime for MEM Agents that Have No Debt with CAMMESA to 09/30/2022.

By means of Resolution 557/2023 the Secretariat of Energy (SE) resolved the application of a special credit regime in homogeneous...

Increase in the limit on subsidized consumption in certain areas under the Cold Zone Regime

By means of Resolution 576/2023 the Secretariat of Energy (SE) resolved to increase the subsidized consumption cap for those residential...

The Secretariat of Energy Included New and More Flexible Ways to Expand the Alternatives for Distributed Power Generation

On July 20, 2023, Resolution No. 608/2023 of the Secretariat of Energy (SE) was published in the Official Gazette establishing...
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