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Oil and Gas

The Secretary of Energy Approved the Allocations of Natural Gas Volumes Awarded Within the Framework of the “Plan Gas.Ar” for the Periods Corresponding to the Years 2023 to 2028.

On October 18, Resolution No. 834/23 of the Secretariat of Energy was published in the Official Gazette, whereby the allocations...

The Secretariat of Energy Awarded Gas Volumes Within The Framework of The Hydrocarbon Production Enhancement Plan 2023-2028.

The Energy Secretariat awarded natural gas volumes offered in the framework of a national public tender developed within the “PLAN...

New Public Tender to Increase Bioethanol Production.

By means of Resolution 614/2023, the Secretariat of Energy (SE) called for the submission of new projects for bioethanol processing...

Sugarcane-based and Corn-based Bioethanol Price Update.

By means of Resolution 588/2023, the Secretariat of Energy resolved to update the purchase prices for the domestic market of...

The Secretary of Energy awarded gas volumes within the framework of Resolution 770/2022.

Through Res. 543/2023 (O.G 07/28/2023), the Secretary of Energy awarded gas volumes to the companies Wintershall Dea Argentina S.A, Total...

Fuels: Deadline extended for companies to comply with environmental regulations

By means of Resolution 507/2023, the Secretariat of Energy (SE) resolved to extend the term for refineries to comply with...

The Bills for the Production and Export of Hydrogen and Liquefied Natural Gas Do Not Adequately Address the Impact of the Energy Transition.

The purpose of these lines is twofold: to describe the bills recently sent to Congress by the Executive Power, and...

The ENARGAS Approved the Transition Tariff Charts for Natural Gas Transporters and Distributors.

Through Resolutions N° 186 to 196 (B.O 04/28/2023), the ENARGAS approved the Transition Tariff Charts and Rates and Charges for...

New bioethanol prices per liter

Through Resolution 115/2023 of the Secretariat of Energy, new prices per liter of sugarcane and corn-based bioethanol blended with naphtha...
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