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Oil and Gas

Important Modifications in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Commercialization Plan.

The Energy Secretariat, through Resolution No. 15/2025, established a series of modifications in the regulation of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)...

Global Legal Insights – Energy 2025

We would like to share with you the latest edition of Global Legal Insights – Energy where Agustin Siboldi and...

Public Hearing No. 104, in which the Proposal for the Transitory Adjustment of Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution Tariffs Was Discussed, Is Declared Valid.

On February 9, 2024, Resolution No. 52/2024 of the Ente Nacional Regulador de Gas was published in the Official Gazette...

Instrumentation of the Issuance of Tax Credit Certificates by Offsetting.

On February 9, 2024, Resolution No. 10/2024 of the Secretariat of Energy of the Ministry of Economy was published in...

Decree No. 70/23 Makes Changes in the Energy Sector

Through Decree 70/2023 “BASIS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ARGENTINE ECONOMY,” several regulatory norms in the field of energy are...

The Adjustment of the Regulations for the Promotion of Investment Projects in Infrastructure Works was Approved.

On November 15, Resolution No. 930/2023 of the Secretariat of Energy (hereinafter the “SE”) was published in the Official Gazette,...

The Energy Secretariat fixed the purchase prices of sugarcane and corn-based bioethanol for the domestic market for compulsory blending with gasoline.

On November 13, Resolution No. 922/2023 of the Secretariat of Energy was published in the Official Gazette, whereby it sets...

The Executive Branch Postponed the Increase of the Tax on the Transfer of Liquid Fuels and the Carbon Dioxide Tax.

On November 1, 2023, Decree 567/2023 was published in the Official Gazette by means of which the Executive Branch postponed...

The Secretariat of Energy published the ratings of the bids submitted in the call for bids for Thermal Generation Supply Contracts with Reliability with CAMMESA.

By means of Resolution No. 851/2023 (B.O. 10/26/2023) the Secretariat of Energy has published the qualifications of the offers submitted...
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