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Derecho de la Salud

Decree of Necessity and Urgency of Deregulation: Measures in Health Matters.

The long-awaited package of deregulation measures, implemented through the tool of Decree of Necessity and Urgency No. 70/23 (hereinafter “Decree...

The Development of the Medical Cannabis Industry has been Regulated.

On August 4, 2023, Law No. 27,669 was published in the Official Gazette. The purpose of the Law is to...

Law No 27,706 Was Regulated by Decree No 393/2023

Law No. 27,706, which had created the Single Federal Program for the Computerization and Digitalization of Medical Records of the...

The Superintendence of Health Services Replaces the Single Reimbursement System (SUR) for the Financial Support of the Social Welfare Funds.

On March 29, 2023, it was published the Resolution No. 731/2023 of the Superintendence of Health Service in the Official...

The digital medical records registration system has been made official

On March 16, 2023, Law No. 27,706 was published in the Official Gazette, creating the Single Federal Program for the...

El Poder Ejecutivo Nacional reglamentó la ley N° 27.553 de “Recetas Electrónicas o Digitales”

Mediante el dictado del Decreto N° 98/2023 (B.O 27/02/23) -en adelante “el Decreto”-, fue reglamentada la ley N° 27.533, que...