enes +5411 4346-1000


Ariadna Rodriguez

Call for Public Hearing N° 103 on tariff adjustment for natural gas transport and distribution services

By means of Resolution No. 523/2022, published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic on December 13, 2022, the...

The National Congress approved Convention 108+ on the Protection of Individuals regarding Automatic Processing of Personal Data

Through Law 27,699 (BO. 11-30-2022) the Argentine National Congress approved the Modifying Protocol of “Agreement for the protection of people...

Plan for the Promotion of the Production of Argentine Natural Gas. Period 2023-2028

Through Decree of Necessity and Urgency No. 730/2022 (B.O. 11/04/2022, with the same hierarchy of a law; National Constitution, art....
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