enes +5411 4346-1000


María Agustina Fanelli Evans

A transportation concession has been granted for the new Vaca Muerta pipeline to the companies PAE, Shell and Pluspetrol

By means of Resolution 142/2023, the National Government granted the concession for the transportation of the Sierras Blancas pipeline, located...

Creation of the Sustainable Public Buildings Program for National Public Sector Organizations

The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation (MAyDS), as Authority of Application of Decree No. 31/23 which...

ENRE has ordered the intervention of EDESUR

Through Resolution 307/2023 (published on February 21st, 2023) ENRE has ordered the intervention of EDESUR for 180 days, considering the...

New rate schemes for electricity and gas

Electricity distribution service Through resolutions ENRE Nº 240/2023 and ENRE Nº 241/2023, the Ente Nacional Regulador de la Electricidad (hereinafter...

The Secretary of Commerce fined Quilmes Brewery for noncompliance with corrective measures for anticompetitive conduct previously sanctioned.

Last Wednesday, February 22, 2023, the Secretariat of Commerce (hereinafter the “SC”) issued RESOL-2023-96-APN-SC#MEC -clarified by RESOL-2023-133-APN-SC#MEC- whereby it resolved...

El Poder Ejecutivo Nacional reglamentó la ley N° 27.553 de “Recetas Electrónicas o Digitales”

Mediante el dictado del Decreto N° 98/2023 (B.O 27/02/23) -en adelante “el Decreto”-, fue reglamentada la ley N° 27.533, que...

The expansion of UIF delegations in the national territory was decreed, highlighting the City of Rosario as one of the first targets.

By means of Decree 85/2023, the National Government modified the regulatory decree of the Financial Information Unit (hereinafter UIF) eliminating...

Incentives for fuel imports are restored through tax benefits

The measure was decreed by the President of the Nation through Decree 86/2023, which reestablishes the Incentive Regime for the...

The schedule of the Public Tender “RenMDI” is modified

The Secretariat of Energy (hereinafter “SE”) introduced modifications in the schedule of the National and International Open Call “RenMDI”, which...
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