enes +5411 4346-1000


María Agustina Fanelli Evans

Increase in the limit on subsidized consumption in certain areas under the Cold Zone Regime

By means of Resolution 576/2023 the Secretariat of Energy (SE) resolved to increase the subsidized consumption cap for those residential...

The Secretary of Energy approved plans for transmission system expansions and modernization

Through Resolution 507/2023, the Secretariat of Energy (SE) approved a series of extensions and modernization of the electric transmission system....

The Secretary of Energy awarded gas volumes within the framework of Resolution 770/2022.

Through Res. 543/2023 (O.G 07/28/2023), the Secretary of Energy awarded gas volumes to the companies Wintershall Dea Argentina S.A, Total...

Fuels: Deadline extended for companies to comply with environmental regulations

By means of Resolution 507/2023, the Secretariat of Energy (SE) resolved to extend the term for refineries to comply with...

ENACOM Established that 100 Percent of the 6 GHz Band Will Be Destined for Unlicensed Use.

By means of Resolution 756/2023, the National Communications Agency (ENACOM) declared the frequency band between 5925 and 7125 MHz to...

The Secretariat of Commerce Approved a New Regulation for the Notification of Economic Concentration Transactions.

On May 18, 2023, Resolution No. 905/2023 of the Secretariat of Commerce was published in the Official Gazette, revoking the...

The Secretariat of Energy created program “ENLIGHTEN ARGENTINA” (ILUMINAR)

By means of Resolution 409/2023, the Secretariat of Energy (SE) created the program “Iluminemos Argentina” (ILUMINAR) in order to contribute...

Artificial intelligence: New recommendations for its use were approved

By means of Provision 2/2023 of the Undersecretariat of Information Technologies under the Office of the Chief of Staff approved...

Approval of the “Long-Term Low Emission Resilient Development Strategy to 2050” and creation of the “National Long-Term Scenario Program”.

Through Resolution 280/18 (Official Gazette 06/22/2023) the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development approved the “Long-Term Resilient Development Strategy with...
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