enes +5411 4346-1000


Agustín Siboldi

Law No 27,706 Was Regulated by Decree No 393/2023

Law No. 27,706, which had created the Single Federal Program for the Computerization and Digitalization of Medical Records of the...

Sugarcane-based and Corn-based Bioethanol Price Update.

By means of Resolution 588/2023, the Secretariat of Energy resolved to update the purchase prices for the domestic market of...

Annual Mining Concession Fee: It Will Be Updated Every December Based on Inflation Values.

By means of Resolution 90/2023, the Mining Secretariat resolved that the Annual Mining Concession Fee will be updated through the...

Special Loans Regime for MEM Agents that Have No Debt with CAMMESA to 09/30/2022.

By means of Resolution 557/2023 the Secretariat of Energy (SE) resolved the application of a special credit regime in homogeneous...

Increase in the limit on subsidized consumption in certain areas under the Cold Zone Regime

By means of Resolution 576/2023 the Secretariat of Energy (SE) resolved to increase the subsidized consumption cap for those residential...

The Secretary of Energy awarded gas volumes within the framework of Resolution 770/2022.

Through Res. 543/2023 (O.G 07/28/2023), the Secretary of Energy awarded gas volumes to the companies Wintershall Dea Argentina S.A, Total...
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