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The Secretariat of Energy Calls Public Tender for the Appointment of the Members of the Board of Directors of ENARGAS.

Through Resolution No. 175/24 (B.O. 07/16/24) of the Secretariat of Energy, an open contest of background and opposition was called for the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors of ENTE NACIONAL REGULADOR DEL GAS (ENARGAS) for the positions of President, Vice President, and First, Second and Third Members (Section 1).

Access the complete text of the Resolution here

This publication does not constitute a legal opinion on specific issues. If necessary, expert legal advice should be sought.

For further information, please contact:

Agustín Siboldi – SiboldiA@eof.com.ar

Jorge Muratorio – MuratorioJ@eof.com.ar

Ana Belen Micciarelli – MicciarelliA@eof.com.ar

Grover J. Perez Chavez PerezchavezG@eof.com.ar