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The National Securities Commission Includes Private Infrastructure Projects Among the Collective Investment Products for Infrastructure Development.

On June 27, 2024, General Resolution No. 1006/2024 (the “Resolution 1006/2024”) issued by the National Securities Commission (the “CNV”) was published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic, extending the special regime that regulates the creation and authorization of Collective Investment Products for the development of public infrastructure to those vehicles whose purpose is the development of private infrastructure works aimed at providing public access services or satisfying public interest objectives.

Access the complete text of the Resolution here.

This publication was prepared on the basis of information dated 27/6/24 and does not constitute a legal opinion on specific issues. If necessary, expert legal advice should be sought.

For further information, please contact:

Sebastian Luegmayer – LuegmayerS@eof.com.ar