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On December 27, 2024, General Resolution No. 22/2024 (hereinafter “Resolution 22/2024”) of the General Inspection of Justice (hereinafter “IGJ”) was published in the Official Gazette.

This Resolution authorizes the entities that administer closed-circle savings plans for the direct award of automobiles and sums of money destined to the acquisition of automobiles to reimburse punitive interest on those installments that are overdue and unpaid until April 30, 2025. The same will apply to group contracts in force as of the date of publication of Res. 22/2024, but will not impact on those debts in court. The collection of this interest will be reestablished on May 1, 2025.

Access the complete text of the Resolution here.

This publication was prepared based on information dated 11/12/2024 and does not constitute a legal opinion on specific issues. If necessary, expert legal advice should be sought.

For further information please contact:

Jorge Muratorio – MuratorioJ@eof.com.ar

Agustín SiboldiSiboldiaA@eof.com.ar

Ana Belén MicciarelliMicciarelliA@eof.com.ar

Pilar Magallanes – MagallanesP@eof.com.ar

Juan Manuel Lodosa LodosaJ@eof.com.ar