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Call for Public Hearing N° 103 on tariff adjustment for natural gas transport and distribution services

By means of Resolution No. 523/2022, published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic on December 13, 2022, the Ente Regulador del Gas (ENARGAS), called for Public Hearing No. 103, in which the following will be considered:

1.Transitory adjustment of the tariffs of the natural gas transportation public service;

2. Transitory adjustment of the tariffs of the public service of gas distribution through networks.

3. Transfer to tariffs of the price of gas purchased under the terms of Section 9.4.2. of the Basic Rules of the Distribution License;

4. Treatment of Single Tariff Sub-zones per Province in the Ninth Region – Transition Regime Decree No. 1020/20 (Formosa, Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Misiones).

Access the complete text of the Resolution here.

This publication does not constitute a legal opinion on specific issues. If necessary, specialized legal advice should be sought.

For further information, please contact:

Agustín Siboldi – SiboldiA@eof.com.ar

Jorge Muratorio – MuratorioJ@eof.com.ar

Agustina Fanelli Evans – FanelliA@eof.com.ar

Ariadna Rodriguez – RodriguezA@eof.com.ar