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Article – Regulatory Changes in Argentina that Promote Infrastructure Investment, by Jorge Muratorio and Belén Micciarelli.

We are please to share the article “Regulatory changes in Argentina that promote infrastructure investment”, by our partners Jorge Muratorio...

The Concession of Oleoducto Transandino, which links Argentina and Chile, is extended.

On December 19, 2024, Decree 1106/2024 was published in the Official Gazette, approving the extension for ten years as from...

Draft Bill on Regulatory Framework for Biofuels

Recent legislative proposal aimed at creating a regulatory framework for biofuels. The following are the most relevant aspects of this...

El Poder Ejecutivo reglamentó parcialmente la Ley Bases en materia de hidrocarburos y modificaciones al Marco Regulatorio de Gas Natural

A través del Decreto 1057/24 (B.O. 29/11/24) el Poder Ejecutivo reglamentó parcialmente la Ley Bases en materia de hidrocarburos, a...

The Office of the Undersecretary for Ports and Navigable Waterways Called for a National and International Public Tender Process for the Concession of the Trunk Navigable Waterway.

The Undersecretariat of Ports and Waterways, by means of Provision 34/2024 (B.O. 20-11-2024 to 22-11-2024), approved the bidding documents and...

The Legal 500 Latin America 2024

Once again our firm was recognized in The Legal 500 Latin America guide. This year, 17 of our practice areas...

Some Gas Distribution Licensees Will Be Exempt from Payment of the Interchange Transportation and Displacement Fee.

Through Resolution 705/2024 (B.O. 10/24/24) the Ente Nacional Regulador del Gas (hereinafter ENARGAS) resolved to establish that in those cases...

The Blockade Action Protocol and its Impact on the Work Environment

On September 9, 2024 the National Ministry of Security issued Resolution 901/2024, which was published in the Official Gazette on...

Modernization of the Regulatory Decree of the Intellectual Property Legal Regime.

Decree 765/2024 published on 08/28/2024 modernized Decree No. 41.223/1934, which regulates Law 11.723 (Legal Regime of Intellectual Property). The new...
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