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The Energy Secretariat updated, exceptionally until the proposed reforms are carried out, the remuneration of generation traded under the spot market.

By means of Resolution No. 193/24 (B.O. 02/08/24) the Secretariat of Energy replaced Annexes I, II, III, IV and V...

CNV Loosens Regulations Applicable to the Sale of Marketable Securities with Liquidation in Foreign Currency.

Through General Resolution No. 1018/2024, the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission, once again provided for the substitution of Articles 2°...

CNV Launches Public Consultation Aimed at Regulating the Activity of Registered Brokers.

On August 30, 2024, General Resolution No. 1015/2024 of the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission was published in the Official...

The Energy Secretariat Established a Provisional Remuneration System for Electricity Generation.

Through Resolution No. 233/24 (B.O. 08/30/24), the Secretariat of Energy established a provisional remuneration system for electricity generation. In this...

The Energy Secretariat Established the Price of Gas at the Point of Entry to the Transport System (PIST) to be Passed on to Users Under the Gas.Ar Plan

Through Resolution No. 232/24 (B.O. 08/30/24) the Secretariat of Energy established the price of gas at the “Point of Entry...

RIGI: regulation for the registration of Dedicated Branches before the IGJ

The General Inspection of Justice (IGJ) established the requirements to be complied with by Dedicated or Special Branches to be...

New I.N.P.I. Resolution 364/2024.

On 08/26/2024 Resolution 364/2024 of the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY was published in the OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE...

The CNV Establishes the Details for the Opening of Special Asset Regularization Accounts.

On August 21, 2024, General Resolution No. 1014/2024 of the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission was published in the Official...
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