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Legal Alerts

The Secretary of Energy Established Support Measures for Agricultural Producers in Neuquén in Response to the Agricultural Emergency State.

On October 11, 2023, Resolution No. 830/2023 of the Secretariat of Energy (hereinafter the “SE”) was published in the Official...

The Secretary of Energy Approved the Allocations of Natural Gas Volumes Awarded Within the Framework of the “Plan Gas.Ar” for the Periods Corresponding to the Years 2023 to 2028.

On October 18, Resolution No. 834/23 of the Secretariat of Energy was published in the Official Gazette, whereby the allocations...

CNV Establishes New Requirements for Securities Transactions by Clients and Proprietary Portfolios of Registered Agents

On October 11, 2023, General Resolution No. 981/2023 issued by the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission was published in the...

The Government Presented the “National Plan for the Implementation of the Escazú Agreement”.

In order to move forward with the objectives proposed in the “Regional Agreement on Access to Justice in Environmental Matters...

CNV Adjusts Permanence Terms (parking) and Establishes New Requirements for the Sale of Negotiable Obligations with Settlement in Foreign Currency and in Foreign Jurisdiction.

On October 6, 2023, General Resolution No. 979/2023  issued by the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission (CNV) was published in...

The Secretariat of Energy Awarded Gas Volumes Within The Framework of The Hydrocarbon Production Enhancement Plan 2023-2028.

The Energy Secretariat awarded natural gas volumes offered in the framework of a national public tender developed within the “PLAN...

The Mining Secretariat Created the “National Program for the Systematic Disclosure of Mineral Activity (ProNDSAM)”.

On August 3, 2023, Resolution 96/2023 ordered the creation of a National Program for the Systematic Disclosure of Mining Activity,...

CNV Establishes New Reporting Regimes for Trading Agents and Settlement and Clearing Agents

On October 2, 2023, General Resolution No. 978/2023 issued by the Argentine Securities Commission (“CNV”) was published in the Official...

Adjustments for Capital Contributions and Financial Debt

On October 2, 2023, Communication “A” 7852, issued by the Central Bank of Argentina, was published in the Official Gazette...
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