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Legal Alerts

The CNV established new regulations applicable to public offerings of securities and debts refinancing

By virtue of General Resolution N° 861/2020 (the “Resolution“), the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission (Comisión Nacional de Valores, the...

New provisions for payments of principal and interests derived from financial indebtedness in foreign currency

The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (the “Central Bank“), through Communiqué “A” 7133 dated October 9, 2020 (the “Communiqué...

The Executive Branch of the Republic of Argentina announced a new amendment to the restructuring proposal of public debt issued under foreign law

On August 17, 2020, the Executive Branch of the Republic of Argentina (the “Executive Branch“), through a press release announced...

The BCRA extended the effect of the additional requirements to make outflows through the FX market

On July 20, 2020, the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina (the “Central Bank” or the “BCRA” by its...

The Central Bank increased the controls for immediate transfers of foreign currency

On July 16, 2020, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (the “Central Bank”) by means of Communication “A” 7072...

The Central Bank eases certain rules for access to the exchange market

The Central Bank of Argentina (the “BCRA“), through Communiqué “A” 7042 dated June 11, 2020 (the “Communiqué“), amended part of...

The Ministry of Economy extends for the third time the expiration date of the exchange offer for restructuring public debt issued in foreign currency under foreign law

The Ministry of Economy, through Resolution No. 266/2020 published in the Official Gazette on June 2, 2020 (the “Resolution”), extends...

New restrictions for access to the exchange market

On May 28, 2020, the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina (the “Central Bank” or “BCRA“), through Communication “A”...

The Ministry of Economy extends the expiration date of the exchange offer for restructuring public debt issued in foreign currency under foreign law

The Ministry of Economy, through Resolution No. 221/2020 published in the Official Gazette on May 11, 2020 (the “Resolution”), extends...
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