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Approval of US$500 million Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) loan agreement to support Argentina’s sustainable growth policies

Through Decree No. 801/2022 (BO. 01/12/2022), the National Executive Power approved the model Loan Agreement to be entered into between...

Information and Communications Technology Services. ENACOM introduced changes to the Universal Service regime.

By means of Resolution 2226/2022 (B.O. 11/30/2022), ENACOM introduced changes in the Universal Service regime. Due to the objectives of...

The Energy Secretariat set new purchase prices for biodiesel for compulsory blending with diesel

By Resolution 791/2022 (B.O 30/11/2022), the Secretariat of Energy set new prices for the acquisition of biodiesel for mandatory blending...

The National Executive Power reestablishes the Export Increase Program

On November 28, 2022, the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic published Decree No. 787/2022 by means of which the...

Crowdfunding Projects

On November 25th, 2022, the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission (the “CNV” for its Spanish acronym) has issued the General...

The Ministry of Environment created the “National list of existing, controlled, restricted, and prohibited chemical substances and products”

On November 14, 2022, Resolution 504/2022 of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development was published in the Official Gazette...

The Secretariat of Energy approved the new authorization procedure for natural gas exports

On November 17, 2022, Resolution 774/2022 of the Secretariat of Energy was published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine...

The Ministry of the Environment approved guidelines regarding plans for the reconversion of productive processes that use mercury

On November 14, 2022, Resolution 503/2022 of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development was published in the Official Gazette...
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