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The Secretary of Mining updated the value of the annual royalty per property

Se determinó que la medida entró en vigencia el 10/12/24, y resultará de aplicación al período anual subsiguiente. This publication...

The Energy Secretariat Extended the Transition Period to Targeted Energy Subsidies for Six Months.

Through Resolution 384/2024 (B.O. 03/12/24) the Secretariat of Energy of the Ministry of Economy resolved to extend for a period...

The National Securities National Securities Commission Modifies Provisions for Takeover Bids.

By means of CNV General Resolution No. 1037/2024, the National Securities Commission (“CNV”) introduced a significant change in the provisions...

The National Securities Commission Modifies the Holding Informative Regime.

By means of CNV General Resolution No. 1036/2024, the National Securities Commission  introduced significant changes to the informative regime of...

The Energy Secretariat fixed the Minimum Bioethanol Purchase Price for Operations During December 2024 and Until the Publication of a New Price.

Through Resolution 392/2024 the Secretariat of Energy of the Ministry of Economy set the minimum purchase price of sugarcane-based bioethanol...

CNV Moves Forward with Regulation of Automatic Public Offering of Financial Trusts

On November 26, 2024, General Resolution No. 1031/2024  of the National Securities Commission was published in the Official Gazette of...

The Financial Information Unit Relaxes the Scope of Subjects Considered Politically Exposed Individuals.

By means of General Resolution UIF No. 192/2024, published in the Official Gazette on December 10, 2024, the Financial Information...

El Poder Ejecutivo reglamentó parcialmente la Ley Bases en materia de hidrocarburos y modificaciones al Marco Regulatorio de Gas Natural

A través del Decreto 1057/24 (B.O. 29/11/24) el Poder Ejecutivo reglamentó parcialmente la Ley Bases en materia de hidrocarburos, a...
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