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IGJ: new requirements for the transformation of SAS companies

The General Inspection of Justice (“IGJ”) established a differentiated treatment for the transformation of simplified joint stock companies (SAS) registered...

The digital medical records registration system has been made official

On March 16, 2023, Law No. 27,706 was published in the Official Gazette, creating the Single Federal Program for the...

New bioethanol prices per liter

Through Resolution 115/2023 of the Secretariat of Energy, new prices per liter of sugarcane and corn-based bioethanol blended with naphtha...

New authorization regime for exports of oil through pipelines to neighboring countries

Through Resolution 175/2023 of the Secretariat of Energy a new authorization regime for oil exports through pipelines to bordering countries...

Guidelines for the issuance of thematic marketable securities in Argentina

On March 17, 2023, General Resolution 952/2023 of the Argentine National Securities Commission (“CNV”) was published in the Official Gazette...

Benefit regime for mining investments: extension of registration period

By means of Resolution 21/2023 the Mining Secretariat extended for 4 more years the validity of the registration to the...

A transportation concession has been granted for the new Vaca Muerta pipeline to the companies PAE, Shell and Pluspetrol

By means of Resolution 142/2023, the National Government granted the concession for the transportation of the Sierras Blancas pipeline, located...

CNV General Resolution No. 955/2023 – Private Offering of Securities

On March 31, 2023, General Resolution No. 955/2023 (the “Resolution”) issued by the Argentine Securities Commission (“CNV”) was published in...

Creation of the Sustainable Public Buildings Program for National Public Sector Organizations

The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation (MAyDS), as Authority of Application of Decree No. 31/23 which...

ENRE has ordered the intervention of EDESUR

Through Resolution 307/2023 (published on February 21st, 2023) ENRE has ordered the intervention of EDESUR for 180 days, considering the...
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