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The Secretary of Energy approved the general conditions of the regimes for access to foreign currency for incremental oil and natural gas production

The Secretariat of Energy of the Nation, through Resolution No. 13/2023, published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic on January 16, 2023, in order to determine the guidelines and procedures for the access to the respective Regimes and the benefits they confer, approved the General Conditions of the Regime for Access to Foreign Currency for Incremental Oil Production (RADPIP), Incremental Natural Gas Production (RADPIGN) and the Regime for the Promotion of Employment, Labor and Development of Regional and National Suppliers of the Hydrocarbons Industry (RPEPNIH) created by Decree No. 277/2022 and regulated by Decree No. 484/2022.

Acceda el texto completo de la norma aquí.

Esta publicación no constituye una opinión legal sobre asuntos específicos. En caso de ser necesario, deberá procurarse asesoría legal especializada.

Para más información comunicarse con: 

Agustín Siboldi – SiboldiA@eof.com.ar

Jorge Muratorio – MuratorioJ@eof.com.ar

Agustina Fanelli Evans – FanelliA@eof.com.ar

Ariadna Rodriguez – RodriguezA@eof.com.ar