Tax Law Firm of the Year
Tax Disputes Firm of the Year
Transfer Pricing Law Firm of the Year
Indirect Tax Law Firm of the Year
Argentina Tax Disputes Firm of the Year
Argentina Law Firm of the Year
«Argentina Law Firm of the Year»
Argentina Tax Firm of the Year
Argentina Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year
“Argentina Law Firm of the Year”
Pro Bono Leading Lights 2019
Deals of the Year 2019
Corporate High Yield Bond of the Year
Premio “Public Contracts Lawyer of the Year in Argentina” para Jorge Muratorio
“Pro Bono Leading Lights 2018”.
Nominados para los premios “Argentina Tax Firm of the Year” y “Argentina Transfer Pricing of the Year”.
Premio “Bono Cuasi Soberano del Año”por la emisión de las obligaciones negociables Clase LI, por un valor nominal de Francos Suizos 300.000.000.
Nominación para “Deal of the Year 2015” del área M&A