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On 08/26/2024 Resolution 364/2024 of the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY was published in the OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE ARGENTINEAN REPUBLIC in which it was resolved in its article 1° the delegation of sufficient powers to the NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF PATENTS to summon the owners of the patent applications filed before the INPI, which are pending at the time of the entry into force of the resolution in which priority has been invoked under the terms of Article 4 A 1 of the Paris Convention, Law No. 17.011, to summon the holders of the patent applications filed before the INPI, so that they may file them before the INPI. No. 17.011, so that they may, by themselves or through their attorneys-in-fact and “within SIXTY (60) calendar days, state whether or not the priority invoked in the terms set forth above has been granted in the country of origin, it being made known that in the absence of a response to such request the respective application shall be deemed abandoned”.


This publication does not constitute a legal opinion on specific issues. If necessary, expert legal advice should be sought.

For further information, please contact:

Luis Antonio MontenegroMontenegroL@eof.com.ar